
Smartphone Tycoon

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Smartphone Tycoon


Player: 1

  • Click to make money and upgrades.

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Smartphone Tycoon description

Enter the exciting world of smartphone manufacturing with Smartphone Tycoon, an immersive HTML5 web game that allows you to run your own mobile smartphone company. Design and create cutting-edge smartphones, customize them to perfection, and make strategic decisions to dominate the competitive smartphone market.

As the CEO of your smartphone company, you have the power to make and design awesome smartphones. With a wide range of customization options, you can select, edit, and modify every aspect of your smartphones to create the best products for your business. From sleek designs to powerful features, your creativity knows no bounds.

But running a successful smartphone company is not just about designing phones. In Smartphone Tycoon, you also have the opportunity to manage a team of up to 29 employees. Unlock, name, and customize your employees, and hire them strategically to enhance your company's productivity and efficiency.

As you progress in the game, you'll unlock cool items and accessories that can be used to further customize your smartphones. Leveling up not only grants you access to these items but also rewards you with in-game cash bonuses, allowing you to invest in research and development, marketing, and other aspects of your business.

For those seeking an even greater challenge, Smartphone Tycoon offers a Prestige Option. This feature adds an extra layer of depth to the game, making the simulation even more interesting. Take your company to new heights by starting fresh with additional benefits and challenges.

Key Features of Smartphone Tycoon:

  • Customizable Smartphone Design: Create and design your own smartphones, selecting and modifying every aspect to create the perfect product.
  • Employee Management: Hire, customize, and manage up to 29 employees to optimize your company's productivity.
  • Unlockable Items and Accessories: Level up to unlock a variety of cool items and accessories to enhance your smartphones.
  • Prestige Option: Take on new challenges and enjoy additional benefits by starting fresh with the Prestige Option.
  • Free Web Platform: Enjoy the game's immersive experience on any device, thanks to its HTML5 technology.

Experience the thrill of running your own smartphone company with Smartphone Tycoon. Whether you're a fan of business simulations or simply intrigued by the world of smartphone manufacturing, this game offers endless hours of entertainment. Suitable for players of all ages, Smartphone Tycoon is playable on any device, making it accessible to everyone. Start your journey to smartphone success today!


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